Orlando Florida Weather in November

Orlando Florida Weather in November

Are you planning a trip to Orlando, Florida, in November? If so, you're in for a treat! November is a great time to visit Orlando, with warm weather, plenty of sunshine, and a wide variety of activities to choose from.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the weather in Orlando in November, including average temperatures, rainfall amounts, and what to expect in terms of humidity and wind. We'll also provide some tips on how to dress for the weather and what activities are best to enjoy in Orlando during this time of year.

With its mild temperatures and abundance of sunshine, November is an ideal time to enjoy all that Orlando has to offer. Whether you're looking to explore the city's famous theme parks, relax on the beach, or simply soak up the sun, you're sure to have a wonderful time in Orlando in November.

Orlando Florida Weather in November

Warm, sunny, and delightful!

  • Average high: 77°F
  • Average low: 57°F
  • Average rainfall: 2.3 inches
  • Humidity: moderate
  • Wind: light to moderate
  • Sunshine: abundant
  • Water temperature: warm
  • Hurricane season: ends November 30th
  • Best time to visit: mid-November to early December
  • What to wear: light clothing, jacket for evenings

November is a great time to visit Orlando, Florida, with its mild temperatures, low humidity, and abundance of sunshine. Whether you're looking to explore the city's famous theme parks, relax on the beach, or simply enjoy the outdoors, you're sure to have a wonderful time in Orlando in November.

Average high: 77°F

The average high temperature in Orlando in November is a comfortable 77°F (25°C). This means that you can expect warm and sunny days, perfect for exploring the city's many attractions.

  • Warm enough for outdoor activities: With average highs in the mid-70s, you can enjoy all sorts of outdoor activities in Orlando in November, from swimming and sunbathing to hiking and biking.
  • Mild evenings: Evenings in Orlando in November are mild, with temperatures typically dropping into the low 60s. This means you can comfortably enjoy outdoor dining or evening shows without needing a heavy jacket.
  • Less crowded than other times of year: November is a great time to visit Orlando if you want to avoid the crowds. The city is less busy than during the peak season (December-April), so you'll have shorter lines and wait times at attractions.
  • Beautiful fall foliage: If you're visiting Orlando in early November, you may be able to catch the tail end of the fall foliage season. The leaves on the trees in Central Florida typically start changing color in late October and early November.

Overall, the average high temperature in Orlando in November is ideal for enjoying all that the city has to offer. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, explore the theme parks, or simply soak up the sun, you're sure to have a wonderful time in Orlando in November.

Average low: 57°F

The average low temperature in Orlando in November is a comfortable 57°F (14°C). This means that evenings and nights can be cool, but not cold. You'll want to pack a light jacket or sweater for the evenings, especially if you plan on spending time outdoors.

  • Cool enough to sleep comfortably: The average low temperature in Orlando in November is ideal for sleeping. You won't need to use the air conditioning at night, and you'll be able to sleep with the windows open to enjoy the fresh air.
  • Warm enough to sit outside: Even though the evenings can be cool, you can still comfortably sit outside at restaurants or bars with outdoor seating. Just bring a light jacket or sweater to put on if you start to feel chilly.
  • Perfect for a campfire: If you're camping in Orlando in November, you'll be able to enjoy a campfire in the evening without getting too hot. Just be sure to check the local regulations before you build a fire.
  • Great weather for stargazing: The clear skies and cool temperatures in November make it a great time to go stargazing. Head to one of Orlando's many parks or nature preserves to enjoy the night sky.

Overall, the average low temperature in Orlando in November is perfect for enjoying the outdoors in the evening. Whether you're looking to relax by a campfire, go for a walk, or simply stargaze, you're sure to have a wonderful time in Orlando in November.

Average rainfall: 2.3 inches

Orlando receives an average of 2.3 inches of rain in November. This is a relatively low amount of rainfall, especially compared to the summer months. However, it's important to note that rain can occur at any time of year in Florida, so it's always a good idea to pack a raincoat or umbrella just in case.

  • Low risk of rain: The chance of rain in Orlando in November is only about 20%. This means that you're unlikely to experience any significant rainfall during your trip.
  • Rain is usually brief and light: Even when it does rain in Orlando in November, it's typically brief and light. The rain showers usually pass quickly, so you won't have to spend your entire day indoors.
  • Rainy days can be a good time to visit the theme parks: If it does rain during your trip to Orlando, don't let it ruin your plans. Many of the theme parks have indoor attractions and shows that you can enjoy even when it's raining.
  • Rainy days are also a good time to relax and recharge: If you're looking for a more relaxed day, a rainy day in Orlando can be a great time to catch up on some reading, get a massage, or simply relax in your hotel room.

Overall, the average rainfall in Orlando in November is low, and it's unlikely that you'll experience any significant rainfall during your trip. However, it's always a good idea to be prepared for rain, just in case.


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Wind: light to moderate

The wind in Orlando in November is typically light to moderate, with average wind speeds of around 10 mph. This means that you can expect a gentle breeze most days, but nothing too strong.

  • Pleasant for outdoor activities: The light to moderate wind in Orlando in November is perfect for outdoor activities like walking, biking, and golfing. You won't have to worry about being blown around by strong winds.
  • Helps to keep the humidity down: The wind in Orlando helps to keep the humidity down, making it more comfortable to be outdoors. This is especially important in the summer months, when the humidity can be high.
  • Can be a bit chilly in the evenings: The wind can make it feel a bit chilly in the evenings, especially if you're not used to it. Be sure to bring a light jacket or sweater to wear in the evenings.
  • Can be helpful for drying clothes: If you're doing laundry during your trip to Orlando, the wind can help to dry your clothes quickly.

Overall, the wind in Orlando in November is light to moderate and is typically not a problem for visitors. In fact, the wind can actually be helpful for keeping the humidity down and making it more comfortable to be outdoors.

Sunshine: abundant

Orlando is known for its sunny weather, and November is no exception. The city receives an average of 220 hours of sunshine in November, which is about 7 hours of sunshine per day. This means that you can expect plenty of sunshine during your trip to Orlando in November, perfect for enjoying all that the city has to offer.

Here are some of the benefits of the abundant sunshine in Orlando in November:

  • Perfect for outdoor activities: The sunny weather in Orlando in November is perfect for outdoor activities like swimming, sunbathing, hiking, and biking. You can also enjoy a round of golf or a game of tennis without having to worry about rain.
  • Helps to boost your mood: Spending time in the sunshine can help to boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. This is especially important during the winter months, when the days are shorter and the weather is colder.
  • Makes it easier to get vitamin D: Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps your body absorb calcium and maintain strong bones. The best way to get vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight. By spending time in the sunshine in Orlando in November, you can help to ensure that you're getting enough vitamin D.
  • Beautiful sunsets: Orlando is known for its beautiful sunsets, and November is a great time to catch a sunset over the city. Head to one of Orlando's many parks or lakes to enjoy the sunset.

Overall, the abundant sunshine in Orlando in November is a major perk of visiting the city during this time of year. You can enjoy all sorts of outdoor activities, boost your mood, get some vitamin D, and enjoy beautiful sunsets.

So, if you're looking for a sunny getaway in November, Orlando is the perfect place for you.

Water temperature: warm

The average water temperature in Orlando in November is a warm and inviting 75°F (24°C). This means that you can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and other water activities without having to worry about getting too cold.

Here are some of the benefits of the warm water temperature in Orlando in November:

  • Perfect for swimming and other water activities: The warm water temperature in Orlando in November is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, canoeing, and other water activities. You can also enjoy a day at one of Orlando's many water parks, such as Aquatica or Disney's Blizzard Beach.
  • Helps to keep you cool: If you're looking for a way to cool off on a hot November day, taking a dip in the pool or the ocean is a great option. The warm water will help to keep you cool and refreshed.
  • Can help to relieve stress: Spending time in the water can help to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being. This is especially true for people who suffer from chronic pain or anxiety.
  • Great for fishing: The warm water temperature in Orlando in November is also great for fishing. Many species of fish are active in the waters around Orlando during this time of year, including bass, trout, and catfish.

Overall, the warm water temperature in Orlando in November is a major perk of visiting the city during this time of year. You can enjoy all sorts of water activities, keep cool, relieve stress, and even go fishing.

So, if you're looking for a place to enjoy some fun in the sun and water in November, Orlando is the perfect place for you.

Hurricane season: ends November 30th

Hurricane season in Florida officially runs from June 1st to November 30th. However, the peak of hurricane season is typically in August and September. By November, the risk of a hurricane making landfall in Florida is significantly reduced.

Here are some of the benefits of visiting Orlando in November after the hurricane season has ended:

  • Less risk of hurricanes: The chance of a hurricane making landfall in Florida in November is very low. This means that you can enjoy your trip to Orlando without having to worry about hurricanes.
  • Calmer weather: The weather in Orlando is typically calmer in November than it is during the summer months. This is because the jet stream is typically positioned further north, which means that there are fewer storms in the area.
  • Fewer crowds: November is a great time to visit Orlando if you want to avoid the crowds. The city is less busy than during the peak season (December-April), so you'll have shorter lines and wait times at attractions.
  • More affordable prices: November is also a great time to visit Orlando if you're looking for a good deal on flights and accommodations. Prices are typically lower in November than they are during the peak season.

Overall, the fact that hurricane season ends on November 30th is a major perk of visiting Orlando in November. You can enjoy less risk of hurricanes, calmer weather, fewer crowds, and more affordable prices.

So, if you're looking for a great time to visit Orlando, November is the perfect month for you.

Best time to visit: mid-November to early December

Many people agree that the best time to visit Orlando is in the late fall, specifically mid-November to early December. There are several reasons for this:

  • Beautiful weather: The weather in Orlando in mid-November to early December is simply beautiful. The days are warm and sunny, with highs in the mid-70s, and the nights are cool and crisp, with lows in the mid-50s. This is perfect for enjoying all that the city has to offer, from swimming and sunbathing to exploring the theme parks.
  • Less crowded: November and December are considered to be shoulder months for tourism in Orlando. This means that the city is not as crowded as it is during the peak season (December-April). This means that you'll have shorter lines and wait times at the theme parks and other attractions.
  • More affordable prices: November and December are also great times to visit Orlando in terms of affordability. Prices for flights and accommodations are typically lower than they are during the peak season.
  • Holiday events: The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are celebrated in November and December. Orlando offers a variety of holiday events and activities, such as parades, concerts, and special shows.

Overall, mid-November to early December is a great time to visit Orlando. You'll experience beautiful weather, avoid the crowds, and enjoy more affordable prices. Plus, you'll be able to enjoy the city's many holiday events and activities.

So, if you're planning a trip to Orlando, be sure to consider visiting in mid-November to early December. You won't be disappointed.

What to wear: light clothing, jacket for evenings

The weather in Orlando in November is warm and sunny, with highs in the mid-70s and lows in the mid-50s. This means that you can pack light clothing for your trip. However, you may also want to pack a light jacket or sweater for the evenings, as it can get a bit chilly after the sun goes down.

Here are some specific clothing items that you may want to pack for your trip to Orlando in November:

  • T-shirts and tank tops: These are perfect for wearing during the day, when the weather is warm and sunny.
  • Shorts and skirts: These are also great for wearing during the day. If you're planning on visiting any water parks, be sure to pack a swimsuit as well.
  • Jeans or khakis: These are good options for wearing in the evenings, when the weather is a bit cooler.
  • A light jacket or sweater: This is a good idea for wearing in the evenings, especially if you're planning on spending any time outdoors.
  • Comfortable shoes: You'll be doing a lot of walking in Orlando, so be sure to pack comfortable shoes.
  • A hat and sunglasses: These are essential for protecting yourself from the sun.

You may also want to pack a raincoat or umbrella, just in case it rains. However, rain is relatively rare in Orlando in November.

Overall, the weather in Orlando in November is warm and sunny, but it can get a bit chilly in the evenings. Be sure to pack light clothing, as well as a light jacket or sweater for the evenings.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Orlando, Florida:

Question 1: What is the weather like in Orlando in November?

Answer 1: The weather in Orlando in November is warm and sunny, with highs in the mid-70s and lows in the mid-50s. There is also a low chance of rain.

Question 2: What are some things to do in Orlando in November?

Answer 2: There are many things to do in Orlando in November, including visiting the theme parks, exploring the city's many museums and attractions, and enjoying the many outdoor activities that the city has to offer.

Question 3: What is the best way to get around Orlando?

Answer 3: The best way to get around Orlando is by car. However, the city also has a good public transportation system, including buses and trains.

Question 4: Where can I find the best food in Orlando?

Answer 4: Orlando has a diverse culinary scene, with something to offer everyone. Some of the best places to find food in Orlando include the city's many restaurants, food trucks, and farmers markets.

Question 5: Where can I find the best shopping in Orlando?

Answer 5: Orlando has a variety of shopping options, from large malls to small boutiques. Some of the best places to shop in Orlando include the Mall at Millenia, the Florida Mall, and the Orlando International Premium Outlets.

Question 6: What are some tips for saving money on a trip to Orlando?

Answer 6: There are many ways to save money on a trip to Orlando, including buying tickets to the theme parks in advance, taking advantage of discounts and promotions, and eating at budget-friendly restaurants.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the many frequently asked questions about Orlando, Florida. For more information, be sure to visit the Orlando Tourism website.

Now that you know more about Orlando, here are some tips for planning your trip:


Here are some tips for planning your trip to Orlando, Florida:

Tip 1: Buy your tickets to the theme parks in advance.

This will save you time and money. You can also purchase multi-day tickets, which can save you even more money.

Tip 2: Take advantage of discounts and promotions.

There are many ways to save money on your trip to Orlando. For example, you can often find discounts on tickets to the theme parks and other attractions online. You can also sign up for email alerts from the Orlando Tourism website to be notified of special deals and promotions.

Tip 3: Eat at budget-friendly restaurants.

Orlando has a wide variety of restaurants to choose from, including many budget-friendly options. Some of the best places to find affordable food in Orlando include the city's many food trucks and farmers markets.

Tip 4: Take advantage of the city's free activities.

Orlando has many free activities to offer, including visiting the city's many parks and museums. You can also take a walk or bike ride along the Orlando Urban Trail.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

These are just a few tips for planning your trip to Orlando. For more information, be sure to visit the Orlando Tourism website.

Now that you know more about Orlando and have some tips for planning your trip, it's time to start planning your adventure!


Orlando is a great place to visit in November. The weather is warm and sunny, the crowds are smaller, and the prices are more affordable. Plus, there are many things to see and do in Orlando, from visiting the theme parks to exploring the city's many museums and attractions.

Here are some of the main points to remember about Orlando in November:

  • The average high temperature in Orlando in November is 77°F (25°C).
  • The average low temperature in Orlando in November is 57°F (14°C).
  • The average rainfall in Orlando in November is 2.3 inches.
  • The humidity in Orlando in November is moderate.
  • The wind in Orlando in November is light to moderate.
  • The water temperature in Orlando in November is warm, with an average of 75°F (24°C).
  • Hurricane season in Florida ends on November 30th.
  • The best time to visit Orlando is mid-November to early December.

If you're planning a trip to Orlando in November, be sure to pack light clothing, as well as a light jacket or sweater for the evenings. You may also want to pack a raincoat or umbrella, just in case it rains.

Closing Message

Orlando is a great place to visit any time of year, but November is a particularly good time to visit. The weather is great, the crowds are smaller, and the prices are more affordable. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip to Orlando today!

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