Transportation System Surtax Florida

Transportation System Surtax Florida
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transportation system surtax florida

Florida's transportation funding solution.

  • Sales tax extension.
  • Infrastructure improvements.
  • Public transportation expansion.
  • Road and bridge repairs.
  • Seaport and airport upgrades.
  • Safety enhancements.
  • Economic development.
  • Job creation.

Investing in Florida's transportation system.

Sales tax extension.

The transportation system surtax in Florida is funded by a one-cent sales tax extension that was approved by voters in 2018. The tax is collected on all purchases, except for certain exempt items such as food and medicine. The tax is expected to generate \$19 billion over the next 10 years.

The sales tax extension was necessary because Florida's transportation system is facing a number of challenges. The state's population is growing rapidly, and its infrastructure is aging. This is leading to increased congestion and safety concerns. The sales tax extension will provide funding for a variety of transportation projects, including:

  • Road and bridge repairs
  • Public transportation expansion
  • Seaport and airport upgrades
  • Safety enhancements

The sales tax extension is expected to have a significant impact on Florida's transportation system. It will help to reduce congestion, improve safety, and make the state more competitive economically. The tax extension will also create jobs and boost the economy.

The sales tax extension is a critical investment in Florida's future. It will help to ensure that the state has a transportation system that meets the needs of its growing population and economy.

Infrastructure improvements.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will fund a variety of infrastructure improvements, including:

  • Road and bridge repairs: The tax will provide funding to repair and maintain Florida's aging roads and bridges. This will help to improve safety and reduce congestion.
  • Public transportation expansion: The tax will also fund the expansion of public transportation services in Florida. This includes new bus and rail lines, as well as improvements to existing services. Expanding public transportation will help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and it will make it easier for people to get around without a car.
  • Seaport and airport upgrades: The tax will also fund upgrades to Florida's seaports and airports. This will help to improve the state's infrastructure and make it more competitive economically. Upgrading seaports and airports will also create jobs and boost the economy.
  • Safety enhancements: The tax will also fund safety enhancements to Florida's transportation system. This includes new traffic signals, better lighting, and safer crosswalks. Safety enhancements will help to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on Florida's roads and highways.

The infrastructure improvements funded by the transportation system surtax will have a significant impact on Florida's economy and quality of life. The improvements will help to reduce congestion, improve safety, and make the state more competitive economically. The improvements will also create jobs and boost the economy.

The infrastructure improvements funded by the transportation system surtax are essential to Florida's future. They will help to ensure that the state has a transportation system that meets the needs of its growing population and economy.

Public transportation expansion.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will fund the expansion of public transportation services in the state. This includes new bus and rail lines, as well as improvements to existing services.

  • New bus and rail lines: The tax will provide funding for new bus and rail lines in areas that are currently underserved by public transportation. This will make it easier for people to get around without a car, and it will help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • Improvements to existing services: The tax will also fund improvements to existing public transportation services. This includes new buses and trains, as well as more frequent service and extended hours of operation. Improving existing services will make public transportation more convenient and accessible for everyone.
  • Park-and-ride facilities: The tax will also fund the construction of new park-and-ride facilities. These facilities allow commuters to park their cars and take public transportation to work or school. Park-and-ride facilities help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and they make it easier for people to use public transportation.
  • Transit-oriented development: The tax will also fund transit-oriented development (TOD). TOD is a type of development that is designed to be walkable and bikeable, and it is located near public transportation. TOD helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and it makes it easier for people to live without a car.

The public transportation expansion funded by the transportation system surtax will have a significant impact on Florida's economy and quality of life. The expansion will help to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and make it easier for people to get around without a car. The expansion will also create jobs and boost the economy.

Road and bridge repairs.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will provide funding for the repair and maintenance of the state's aging roads and bridges.

  • Filling potholes: The tax will provide funding to fill potholes and other road defects. This will help to improve the safety of Florida's roads and bridges, and it will make them more comfortable to drive on.
  • Resurfacing roads: The tax will also fund the resurfacing of roads. This involves removing the old asphalt or concrete and replacing it with new material. Resurfacing roads helps to extend their lifespan and improve their safety.
  • Repairing bridges: The tax will also fund the repair of bridges. This includes repairing structural damage, replacing bridge decks, and painting bridges. Repairing bridges helps to ensure that they are safe for motorists and pedestrians.
  • Replacing bridges: The tax will also fund the replacement of bridges that are beyond repair. This includes bridges that are structurally deficient or that are too narrow or low to accommodate modern traffic. Replacing bridges helps to improve safety and traffic flow.

The road and bridge repairs funded by the transportation system surtax will have a significant impact on Florida's economy and quality of life. The repairs will help to improve the safety of the state's roads and bridges, and they will make them more comfortable to drive on. The repairs will also help to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

Seaport and airport upgrades.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will provide funding for upgrades to the state's seaports and airports. This includes:

  • Expanding seaports: The tax will provide funding to expand Florida's seaports. This includes building new cargo terminals, deepening shipping channels, and improving port infrastructure. Expanding seaports will help to increase Florida's trade with other countries, and it will create jobs and boost the economy.
  • Improving airports: The tax will also fund improvements to Florida's airports. This includes expanding terminals, upgrading runways, and improving security. Improving airports will help to accommodate the growing number of air travelers, and it will make it easier for people and businesses to travel to and from Florida.
  • New cargo facilities: The tax will also fund the construction of new cargo facilities at Florida's seaports and airports. These facilities will help to expedite the movement of goods and materials, and they will create jobs and boost the economy.
  • Technology upgrades: The tax will also fund technology upgrades at Florida's seaports and airports. This includes new baggage handling systems, security screening equipment, and air traffic control systems. Technology upgrades will help to improve the efficiency and safety of Florida's transportation system.

The seaport and airport upgrades funded by the transportation system surtax will have a significant impact on Florida's economy and quality of life. The upgrades will help to increase trade, create jobs, and boost the economy. The upgrades will also make it easier for people and businesses to travel to and from Florida.

The seaport and airport upgrades funded by the transportation system surtax are essential to Florida's future. They will help to ensure that the state has a transportation system that meets the needs of its growing population and economy.

Safety enhancements.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will fund a variety of safety enhancements to the state's transportation system. This includes:

  • New traffic signals: The tax will provide funding for the installation of new traffic signals at intersections. This will help to improve traffic flow and reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Better lighting: The tax will also fund the installation of better lighting on roads and bridges. This will help to improve visibility for drivers and pedestrians, and it will make it safer to travel at night.
  • Safer crosswalks: The tax will also fund the construction of safer crosswalks. This includes crosswalks with pedestrian-activated signals and crosswalks with raised medians. Safer crosswalks will help to protect pedestrians and make it easier for them to cross the street.
  • Guardrails: The tax will also fund the installation of guardrails on roads and bridges. Guardrails help to prevent vehicles from running off the road and into dangerous situations. Guardrails will also help to protect pedestrians and bicyclists.

The safety enhancements funded by the transportation system surtax will have a significant impact on Florida's economy and quality of life. The enhancements will help to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on Florida's roads and highways. The enhancements will also make it safer for people to walk and bike, and they will make it easier for people with disabilities to get around.

The safety enhancements funded by the transportation system surtax are essential to Florida's future. They will help to ensure that the state has a transportation system that is safe for everyone.

Economic development.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will promote economic development in the state by:

  • Creating jobs: The construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure projects will create jobs in a variety of fields, including construction, engineering, and transportation. These jobs will help to boost the economy and improve the quality of life for Floridians.
  • Boosting tourism: Improved transportation infrastructure will make it easier for tourists to travel to and within Florida. This will lead to increased tourism spending, which will benefit businesses and create jobs.
  • Attracting businesses: A modern and efficient transportation system is essential for attracting businesses to Florida. Businesses need to be able to move their goods and employees quickly and easily. Improved transportation infrastructure will make Florida more attractive to businesses, which will lead to job creation and economic growth.
  • Increasing productivity: A better transportation system will help to reduce traffic congestion and improve commute times. This will make it easier for people to get to work, school, and other activities. Reduced congestion will also make it easier for businesses to move their goods and services, which will lead to increased productivity and economic growth.

The economic development benefits of the transportation system surtax are significant. The surtax will help to create jobs, boost tourism, attract businesses, and increase productivity. These benefits will lead to a stronger economy and a higher quality of life for Floridians.

Job creation.

The transportation system surtax in Florida will create jobs in a variety of fields, including:

  • Construction: The construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure projects will create jobs for construction workers, engineers, and other skilled laborers.
  • Engineering: The design and planning of transportation projects will create jobs for engineers and other technical professionals.
  • Transportation: The operation and maintenance of transportation systems will create jobs for bus drivers, train operators, and other transportation workers.
  • Tourism: Improved transportation infrastructure will make it easier for tourists to travel to and within Florida. This will lead to increased tourism spending, which will create jobs in the tourism industry.

The transportation system surtax is expected to create thousands of jobs in Florida. These jobs will help to boost the economy and improve the quality of life for Floridians.


Have questions about the transportation system surtax in Florida? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:

Question 1: What is the transportation system surtax?
Answer: The transportation system surtax is a one-cent sales tax extension that was approved by Florida voters in 2018. The tax is expected to generate \$19 billion over the next 10 years.

Question 2: What will the surtax be used for?
Answer: The surtax will be used to fund a variety of transportation projects, including road and bridge repairs, public transportation expansion, seaport and airport upgrades, and safety enhancements.

Question 3: How long will the surtax last?
Answer: The surtax is scheduled to last for 10 years, ending in 2029.

Question 4: Who will pay the surtax?
Answer: Everyone who makes a purchase in Florida will pay the surtax. However, certain items are exempt from the tax, such as food and medicine.

Question 5: How will the surtax impact the economy?
Answer: The surtax is expected to create jobs and boost the economy. The construction and maintenance of transportation projects will create jobs in a variety of fields, and the improved transportation infrastructure will make Florida more attractive to businesses and tourists.

Question 6: How will the surtax impact traffic congestion?
Answer: The surtax is expected to reduce traffic congestion by funding road and bridge repairs, public transportation expansion, and other projects that will improve the flow of traffic.

Question 7: How will the surtax impact safety?
Answer: The surtax is expected to improve safety by funding safety enhancements such as new traffic signals, better lighting, and safer crosswalks.

Question 8: How can I learn more about the transportation system surtax?
Answer: You can learn more about the transportation system surtax by visiting the Florida Department of Transportation website or by contacting your local elected officials.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: The transportation system surtax is an important investment in Florida's future. The surtax will help to improve the state's transportation system, create jobs, boost the economy, and make Florida a safer and more livable place.

In addition to the FAQ, here are a few tips for staying informed about the transportation system surtax:


Here are a few tips for staying informed about and getting involved in the transportation system surtax in Florida:

Tip 1: Visit the Florida Department of Transportation website.
The Florida Department of Transportation website has a wealth of information about the transportation system surtax, including project lists, maps, and FAQs. You can also sign up for email updates from the department to stay informed about the latest news and developments.

Tip 2: Contact your local elected officials.
Your local elected officials represent you in government and can provide you with information about the transportation system surtax. You can contact your elected officials by phone, email, or mail. You can also attend town hall meetings and other public events to learn more about the surtax and voice your opinion.

Tip 3: Get involved in local transportation planning.
Many local governments have transportation planning boards or committees that are responsible for developing and implementing transportation plans. You can get involved in these boards or committees by attending meetings, speaking at public hearings, and submitting comments. This is a great way to have your voice heard and help shape the future of transportation in your community.

Tip 4: Vote in elections.
Transportation funding is often decided by elected officials. By voting in elections, you can help to elect officials who support transportation funding and who will work to improve the transportation system in Florida.

Closing Paragraph for Tips: The transportation system surtax is an important issue that will impact Florida's future. By staying informed and getting involved, you can help to ensure that the surtax is used wisely and that it benefits all Floridians.

The transportation system surtax is a critical investment in Florida's future. It will help to improve the state's transportation system, create jobs, boost the economy, and make Florida a safer and more livable place.


The transportation system surtax in Florida is a critical investment in the state's future. The surtax will provide funding for a variety of important projects, including road and bridge repairs, public transportation expansion, seaport and airport upgrades, and safety enhancements. These projects will improve the state's transportation system, create jobs, boost the economy, and make Florida a safer and more livable place.

The transportation system surtax is a wise investment that will benefit all Floridians. The surtax will help to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and make it easier for people to get around. The surtax will also create jobs and boost the economy. The transportation system surtax is an investment in Florida's future, and it is an investment that will pay off for years to come.

By working together, we can create a transportation system that meets the needs of all Floridians, and we can ensure that Florida remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

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